The Knowledge Base for young women who are eager to get married and dreaming of a happy life with a marvelous husband they hope to keep forever.

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Hi again,

It’s nice you are here. Hope to fulfill your expectations and reveal some useful insiders of marriage and divorce at 50 living in Germany. 

Know, that you are not alone. Thousands of women are going through a divorce right now. That means that you, like me and thousands of others are beginning a new life heavily armed with new knowledge and experience.

So, let’s look around and see what could happen.

At this point, I have to excuse myself if some of the men feel offended by my words. Please know that we women love our men and need them so much, that we even marry them with all the unavoidable consequences, that marriage brings along.

Also note, that there are millions of truly good men out there, even truthful ones are to find somewhere. I know and respect many good men and need to say that I appreciate having known them with all my heart.

And now, after everything necessary being said let’s begin.

Love...? Finances...?


The generation before mine. How much I envy you, respect you, love to watch your lifestyle and never ever want to be in your shoes.

Once I was in a group of very satisfied and respectful old ladies. They would be in their eighties right now. I asked how could you keep your marriage going for so many years? How two people going through different and partly difficult changes in their own lives, could stay together for so many years? How is it even possible to keep love, if it is even love, or respect or just any positive feeling after having known and having lived with a person for so many years? Do you know what they said? All nine of them. Have I mentions there were 9 Ladies. In one voice they said – Finances. They were financially dependent on their husbands. That was the main reason why they kept going. 

So please forget all the romance and the love stories. Life is not a novel. It is, only if we can make it a novel. 

Finances is a weapon of today. Money always win. As Mma Romotswe (The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency) tells, it’s well known. Here is a Smiley  🙂

So let’s talk finances. 


 Let’s imagine you are married and the guy seems to be o.k. He lies only occasionally, looks presentable, talks love. The life seems to be very stable and nearly perfect.
Stay aware. It is not forever. 

Stay aware. It is not for ever. 

One of my friends told me some days ago. :” ok, we don’t love each other, we live like friendly neighbors….He would never divorce me…. because… not possible….

Wrong. Everything is possible.

It is even possible that you decide that you don’t have too much time to lose on this colorless life and want to do your best finding the one and only to become happy. Even if you can’t find that one and only right now, you want to give yourself a chance to look around to be sure you’ve done your best before the end.

And there will be a day when your male realizes the life with you as a couple is over. At this point, power game is beginning.


If you live a conservative style, meaning your male brings home food and necessities, you stay at home mother or work only part time – then stay aware and never relax.

As soon as your male comprehends the end of the marriage, there is no point for him to bring food and necessities to your home anymore. It will get worse if you have kids, pets or ill relatives, who depend on your support, cause you supported them relying on your male’s support.  

Without your husband’s financial support you can’t feed your pet, you can’t drive your kids to a music lesson and you can’t buy nonprescription medicine for your mom because the medical insurance doesn’t cover vitamins, etc.

Why not?”- you ask.

You want to know why. Cause your male is playing power. He is not that adorable, nice smiling guy anymore. If you look at him, you’ll see indifference and hatred in his eyes. (So – better don’t look. ) And… A Victory grin on his face is present nearly 24 hours a day. Now he gets you. 

It was so easy for him. Just a telephone call and all your credit cards are locked, disabled. You don’t have any access to the money, meaning food, petrol, the everyday necessity like toothpaste, etc.


Be smart and be prepared for the worst. Save money.

So simple as that. Save money.

Some of you would say: “How come. Is it not dishonest to save money without male’s knowledge of it?

The answer is: – No, It’s not. 

Think, if it is a gloomy day and they say the sun is going to come out. You take your umbrella nevertheless.

If they say the temperature will get higher during the afternoon hours, you put on your gloves anyway.

Be smart and save money in case of a divorce. Please be assured that as your pet will be out of food, as you will ask your family and friends for financial support, your male will be deceitfully and yet victoriously grinning and feeling good about himself.

For the case, you feel you were happy – spent your secretly saved money on a family vacation. Such a happy ending, isn’t it? But….. keep in mind. As soon as you are at home from your vacation, start saving money from scratch. Just do it, as they say.


I actually saw and witnessed twice, as the males were very supportive of their ex-wives after the divorce. Incredibly responsible men. Yes, it happens. The observed frequency would be one male among half a million. Are you sure your male is one of this rare species?

As for myself, I am pleased to declaim my extreme gratitude to my male, who generously leaves for me literally one banana a day on a kitchen table.

Disclaimer for the opponents.

I am sure there are a lot of you who disproves of one statement of mine or another, doesn’t agree or just has another opinion. It is perfectly fine. Everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion. Please let me know what you think in your comments.

I am talking about my own experience, revealing a huge part of my personality, my feelings. If you can relate – it’s awesome and my efforts to share will be certainly helpful for you.

If not, please let me know in your comments.

As the divorce proceeds, I'll share all the financial aspect for you step by step. Stay tuned, as the YouTubers say. Smiley again 🙂

Fun Part.

Never stop having fun. It’s crucial for survival.

I am happy to share with you the series of books that made me laugh, made me cry, gave me a lot of fun moments as I quoted some parts to the people around me.

These are Series “No.1 Lady’s Detective Agency.” by Alexander McCall Smith

His intellectually fine Lady traditionally built Mma Romotswe is a very strong and determine Women. I didn’t like the first book for some reason and the very last one was not so fun for me. But all the rest is truthful fun. I’ll put some Links for you below. Check them out and agree with me. These books make people feel happy. They made me feel happy, if even for a moment. There are 17 of them by now.

My divorce financial side of it all

Every each of them was worth reading.

To save time I got to love audio books. But know, that it is a very different experience compared to actual reading.

The noticeable advantage of audio books is that you can save an enormous amount of time being able to listen to the books while driving, doing housework or walking, etc. So enjoy and let me know how you liked Mma Romotswe. 🙂

My divorce financial side of it all

Lord Bless Us All!

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