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All about Redness of the facial skin and how to get rid of it.

Hello dear,
I’m so happy to see you again. Today I’m talking about how to fight the redness and broken capillaries or broken blood vessels of the facial skin.

For Smokers...

If you are like me if you’ve smoked for many years or maybe you are still smoking then you are at the right place. If you are a smoker you certainly have a lot of broken Capillaries on your face.
You may also have rosacea or acne-like breakouts. Let’s see what we can do about it.


I do love makeup and the possibilities it gives up to alter the face features or stress the eyes. And still, I am doing my best to be able to use as little of it as possible. Actually, I don’t wear foundation at all. All my strategies are aiming the young look without any makeup. You know, we don’t really want to scare away all the mates by looking completely different in the morning.

Here I’m sharing with you what I do on a daily basis to make my skin look pretty without makeup.

Number 1.

I have been using the Avena Antirougeurs Fort for over a year now and my skin is still improving every single day. Of course, the capillaries or broken vessels don’t disappear completely, but they lose their red color and become very thin. So that the overall appearance of the skin is not red anymore.

One year ago I was considering laser treatment and now I guess I wouldn’t need it for at least two more years.

Sometimes, after using Retin A for a couple of days I wake up in the morning with my face being on fire. It looks red, it even feels red. On these particular days, I can actually see the redness disappear after I’ve applied Avene Serum.
With time passing by I even don’t feel the need to apply the serum every day.
So, I am absolutely happy with the results and would strongly recommend the Avene Serum to everyone, who is struggling not wearing make up foundation every day.

Number 2.

The next Produkt is like many others I’ve discovered in Spain just in a common Pharmacy.
Be+ Anti-Redness Intensive. This cream is even better than Avene serum.

Take the effectiveness of Avene Antirougeurs Fort, multiply it 3 times and here you are. Be+ Anti-Redness Intensive.
It is a very good moisturizer as well. The cream has a very light structure, absorbs rapidly and doesn’t leave my skin greasy. I apply the Be+ cream in the morning, wait 10 minutes, apply a bit of a powder and I am ready to go.

Please don't rely on my review only.

You do need to try these products for yourself just to know which one is better for you. I have sensitive and combination skin. Both of these products work wonders on my skin, though I still like Be+ product more, just because it is a moisturizer as well. Using Avene product I apply another moisturizer on top of it.

Number 3.

The third Product is a facial water, a makeup remover, and a miracle worker. I’ve just read a couple of reviews and am eager to try it.

I’ve ordered it from Amazon and can’t wait to start using it. They recommend using the product twice a day, so that is what I am going to do.

As soon as I get to know this product, I’ll add the info about it here below.

So, stay tuned and have fun checking out these products and being amazed at the effect they make on your skin.

As usual please click on the image below to check out the product for yourself.

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